Sunday, 11 May 2014

#15: Assignment 1 - Lesson Plan

This is our group's Lesson Plan
You can also click on the icon to download the original file via Google Docs

Lesson Plan
Primary School Standard  3
4th March 2014
Time allocated:
1 Hour 20 Minutes (2 periods)
Students’ proficiency level
(20 students, divided by 4 groups = 5 students in each groups)
Language Skill
Grammar (Conjunction)
Theme of discussion
Hobbies and interests
General and specific objectives of lesson

To introduce the students with one of the components in English grammar (ie: Conjunction) using interactive lesson.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1.      Name the basic conjunctions.
2.      Correctly use the appropriate conjunctions in suitable sentences.
3.      Use multiple conjunctions in one sentence.

  1. The first learning outcome can be evaluated using the first activity which is the “Identifying Conjunctions” through students’ ability to identify the conjunctions.
  2. The second learning outcome can be evaluated using the second (Putting Conjunctions in Sentences) and fourth (Combining Sentences with Conjunctions) activities on familiarizing the students with conjunctions used in sentences.
  3. The third learning outcome can be evaluated through the third activity which is “Correctly Use The Appropriate Conjunctions in Suitable Sentences” through students’ understanding on using appropriate conjunctions in sentences.
  1. To encourage the students to have their own hobbies and interests.
  2. To inculcate the importance spending time wisely with useful activities.
  3. To nurture the importance of teamwork and leadership among the students.
Teaching aids
-          Youtube video “Conjunction Junction” song from interactive learning software “Schoolhouse Rock”.
-          The Turtle Diary

Materials required for lesson
Handouts (lyrics for the Conjunction Junction song), A4 sized flash cards, paper and magic pen.
Time Allocation

1.    The teacher introduces the theme of discussion (i.e. hobbies and interests). Ask the students about their hobbies and interests.
2.      The teacher explains that the class for the day will be about conjunctions and reminds the students that the reward system will be based on star points.
5 minutes

2 minutes
1.      The teacher divides the class into four groups with five members each and asks the students regarding their previous knowledge on conjunction. The teacher distributes handouts for the students to refer to taken from the Turtle Diary website (URL: & )
2.      The teacher distributes the lyrics for the “Conjunction Junction” song and introduces students to the song.
3.      The teacher opens the song on Youtube and plays it on the computer.
4.      Teacher ask the students what they can understand about the song. The teacher plays the interactive  lesson from the website (URL: ) and later explains the function of conjunctions.
Activity 1 begins: Identifying conjunctions
1.      The teacher gives the instructions to the first activity. Students are required to listen to the song again while looking at the lyrics and discuss with their group members to identify the conjunctions in the song. The teacher gives an example before starting the activity.
2.      Play the song again while the students listen attentively.
3.      In groups, the students will discuss to identify how many conjunctions are found.
4.      Discuss the answers and reward each member of the group(s) with star points for the correct answer.
Activity 2 begins: Putting conjunctions in sentences.
1.      The teacher opens the The Turtle Diary website on the computer. (URL: )A demonstration is given on how to use the website.
2.      Each group is provided with A4 sized flash cards with basic conjunctions written on them.
3.      Clear instructions are given. The teacher explains that the students will discuss in groups on the questions and raise the flash card with the correct answer. Give an example to the students.
4.      The teacher starts the game. All groups must provide their answer for all questions. The teacher will choose the correct or incorrect answers raised by the groups and show them what happens when the answer given is correct or incorrect (to display the explanation provided by the website).
5.      The teacher keeps track of the groups with correct answers and reward them with star points.
Activity 3: Correctly use the appropriate conjunctions in suitable sentences.
1.      The teacher opens the Turtle Diary website on the computer. (URL: ) A demonstration is given on how to use the website to the students.
2.      Students are asked to listen and watch attentively to the demonstration given by the teacher as they will be given the chances to use the website for Activity 3.
3.      Clear instructions are given. The teacher explains that the students will discuss in groups on the questions and raise their hands to answer the question. The students are required to come at the front to click on the correct answer provided in the website. An example is given to the students.
4.      The teacher starts the game. All groups must provide their answer for all questions. The teacher will choose the fastest group who raises their hands first.
5.      The group will choose one representative in their group to come out front to click the answer either its right or wrong. The teacher then will show the class what happens when the answer given is correct or incorrect (to display the explanation provided by the website).
6.      The teacher keeps track of the groups with correct answers and reward them with star points.
7.      The teacher then distribute a piece of paper and a pen to each student.
8.      The teacher asks the students to create five sentences (individually) with more than one conjunctions in one sentence according to the theme of discussion (i.e. hobbies and interests). The students are required to write their answers in the paper distributed previously.
Activity 4: Combining sentences with conjunctions.
1.      The teacher opens the Turtle Diary Website on the computer. (URL: ) A demonstration is given on how to use the website.
2.      The students are required to match the correct sentences to form a complete meaningful sentences. The answer must be written in the paper given before. This activity will be conducted individually.
3.      Provide star points for the students with correct answers.
4.      The teacher asks the students to individually create four simple clauses related to the theme of discussion and combine them into two sentences using a conjunction each. The students are required to write the answers in the distributed paper and submit it at the end of class.

3 minutes

2 minutes

3 minutes

5 minutes

3 minutes


2 minutes

3 minutes

2 minutes
1 minute

1 minute

2 minutes

5 minutes

1  minute

1 minute

3 minutes

2 minutes

2 minutes

7 minutes

2 minutes
     1 minute

5 minutes

1 minute

4 minutes

1 minute

5 minutes

  1. Recap the lesson for the day.
  2. The teacher talks about the values related to the students’ hobbies and interests.
  3. Play the “Conjunction Junction” song again and ask the students to sing along.

3 minutes
2 minutes

3 minutes

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