Sunday, 11 May 2014

#25: Islamic Awareness 2 - Lina 's

Lina Syazana Rasid’s reflection on life as a student in IIUM

When I first stepped foot in CFSIIUM Petaling Jaya, the only words that filled my mind were words of sorrow. Sorrow of leaving home, leaving my comfort zone, leaving the people I love most. The week in CFS PJ held no positive meaning for me. All I could think about was how lonely life is without my family and friends. My three roomates were always absent since they have their own friends and often stay out late, leaving me alone with my blues. The only thing I remember learning in PJ was about the existence of al-Ma’thurat. Coming from a public school with a negative disciplinary reputation, I was never exposed to al-Ma’thurat. I was quite overwhelmed when everyone else seemed to know the do’a very well. I felt out of place and was in utter misery.

Things began to get better when we moved to CFSIIUM Nilai. Living in a dorm with 17 other people gave my life some interesting colors. I learned about a lot of things – tolerating others, greeting others happily even when they are tired, pleasing others and while doing so, pleasing myself as well. In Nilai, we had a little usrah session every night before going to bed, followed by the recitation of Surah al-Mulk. I learned that reading al-Mulk every night before going to bed will help prevent us from the tortures in the graveyard, insyaAllah. Because of the friends I met, I began to change slowly, becoming more aware of the way I dress, the way I speak, and how I carry myself.

When I entered the Main Campus: IIUM Gombak, Allah SWT has blessed me with the opportunity to mature and become a better person, through many different channels. I have friends that often invited me to go to talks and academic programmes. The environment pushed me towards Islam and I could see things better. I am able to think before taking an action, able to think about other people and their interests, and able to become more considerate of others.

During my second year, I attended an interview for a Malay traditional music club – IIUM Andeka Caklempong Musical Group. It never crossed my mind that this club would help shape me into the person I currently am today. Through this club, I learned about the responsibilities of being a leader, I learned about true ukhuwwah, ways to handle clients and communicate with people from the outside world professionally and efficiently. IIUM Andeka Caklempong taught me to look for the elements of Islam in whatever we do. There was a period where I struggled, looking for how I can relate music to Islam. Alhamdulillah, with the right friends, I was able to find a small answer. I have not stopped looking for something better since then. Through this club, I learned about the little ways of doing da’wah, become more motherly (that’s what they told me), and most importantly, they taught me to learn from my mistakes. They showed me how to accept constructive criticisms to improve myself, how to respect others, and many other Islamic values. Even though some people might say that this music club is just that, just a common music club, I beg to differ. This club has changed me into a much better person. I can only pray that I’ve done enough to change the club into something better too.

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