Sunday, 11 May 2014

#20: Reflection 3 - CMC & Research Paper

From the tasks given in CMC assignment, it is proven that there are other kind of ways of learning certain topics. It is proven that by using computer, it has a lot of benefits that can be identified and we also have so many things that can be learned from it. Computer Mediated Communication has benefited people around the world to connect with each other.

From example, Twitter. It is widely known and used by people around the world. It is one of a tool that would enable people to share news, knowledge and so on. However, the items that are being shared, we must make it valid and reliable so that people can benefit out of it. We must share what is true and we should not spread rumors which are not true so that it would not affect people negatively.

In a way to Islamic way of life, we could make Twitter as a medium to spread da'wah. BUT FIRST OF ALL, WE MUST VERIFY IT WHETHER IT IS VALID OR NOT! So, use it wisely and truthfully so people can  gain benefits from it and we can gain blessings from Him, The Almighty. Insya-Allah :D

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