Sunday, 11 May 2014

#3: The Blog

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hello everyone! Here are a few things that you need to know about this blog before you proceed further:

1. This is a blog project created as one of the assessment for ENGL 4740 Computer Application in Language Studies Course in IIUM. Our lecturer for the subject, Dr. Rozina Abdul Ghani believe that this project will be a good experience for us to see how the course can be applied in real life.

2. Each group is assigned with their respective Linguistic Course previously learned during our undergraduate studies. Our group theme is Linguistics for Students of Literature. A course that induce Linguistic approach in understanding Literature. 

3. Our blog will be used as multipurpose platform for us to engage with readers in enhancing their understanding of Linguistic for Literature Students subject as well as our haven to share our thoughts and insights on the lesson and assignment that we will be doing througout the course. We will also share our assignment and slides here for the benefits of the readers, InshaAllah. 

4. As you can see above, there are several navigation bars to make it easier for you to browse through the blog. You can either choose to read manually by reading through the older entries or you can just click on one of the tab menus and choose any of the icons that will lead you to a specific entry. 

5. If you have any suggestions and commentaries, you can write it down on the comment box or you can just email to one of the blog author. (Click About Us)

Hope this blog will give some benefits to you. Have a pleasant reading experience!

Now let's explore the wonders of language shall we?

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